If a doctor tells me, “You have this problem, you need to get an ECG, ultrasound, angiogram, MRI, CT scan, hormone test, etc.,” I follow the doctor’s instructions to the letter. Even if I have to take a loan, I spend thousands of taka because I trust the doctor’s words. He is a very prominent doctor in Bangladesh. Can his treatment be wrong?
Yet, our Creator, the Creator of all diseases, and the One who grants healing, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, has informed the world through His beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):
– There is healing in honey.
– There is healing in black seed.
– There is healing in hijama (cupping).
– There is healing in Surah Al-Fatiha.
– There is healing in seeking forgiveness (Istighfar).
– There is healing in giving charity (Sadaqah).
But we cannot believe in any of these. Even if we have some belief, it wavers in a sea of doubt. This doubt does not easily go away, but it must be removed. Before spending thousands of taka on medical treatments, we can try accepting the treatment methods of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with conviction. Insha’Allah (God willing), we will achieve both the Sunnah and healing.
Remember, hijama is not just a treatment; it is also an important Sunnah. Keep in mind that hijama is a form of treatment. Saying that Allah has placed healing in hijama does not mean that “I took hijama once and my disease is cured!” While many times the disease may be cured in the first session, for various long-term illnesses like asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis pain, etc., 2-3 sessions may be required.
If you find it beneficial, you can take help from hijama as an adjunct or even as a sole treatment if the response is very good. Remember, keeping a disease under control is also a form of healing.
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