In 2001, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Mohammad Nabil Al-Sharif, former Dean of Damascus University, a scientific study was conducted to verify the benefits of Hijama. This study involved 300 individuals, and the findings scientifically substantiate the advantages of Hijama. Here are the key findings:
1. Hypertension: Blood pressure decreased to normal levels in cases of high blood pressure.
2. Hypotension: Blood pressure increased to normal levels in cases of low blood pressure.
3. ECG Improvement: Significant improvement was observed in ECG graphs after Hijama compared to before.
4. ESR Levels: ESR levels decreased to normal.
5. RBC Count: The number of RBCs normalized.
6. Polycythemia: Hemoglobin levels decreased to normal in cases of polycythemia.
7. Anemia: Hemoglobin levels increased to normal, indicating the production of new RBCs and improved oxygen flow to body cells.
8. Leukocyte Count: Increased to normal levels in 60% of Hijama recipients.
9. Rheumatic Diseases: Neutrophil levels increased to normal in all rheumatic patients.
10. WBC Count: Increased in 71.4% of cases, indicating recovery from rheumatic and other inflammatory diseases post-Hijama.
11. Asthma: Neutrophil levels increased in 83.3% of asthma patients.
12. Neutrophil Abnormalities: Abnormal neutrophil levels decreased to normal.
13. Heart Disease: Neutrophil levels decreased to normal in 76.9% of heart disease patients.
14. Thrombocyte Count: Increased in 50.6% of cases.
15. Thrombocytopenia: Thrombocyte levels normalized in all cases.
16. Essential Thrombocythemia: Thrombocyte levels decreased to normal in 50% of cases.
17. Diabetes: Blood sugar levels decreased in 92.5% of diabetic patients.
18. Creatinine Levels: Decreased in 66.66% of cases.
19. Hijama Blood Analysis: Creatinine levels were significantly high in the blood extracted during Hijama.
20. Post-Hijama Creatinine: Levels decreased in 57% of cases.
21. Uric Acid Levels: Decreased in 66.66% of cases.
22. Uric Acid Issues: 73.68% of uric acid-related problems were resolved.
23. Urea Levels: Normalized in 80% of cases.
24. SGPT Levels: Decreased to normal in 80% of cases, indicating improved liver function.
25. ECG Improvement: Explained by the decrease in SGPT levels post-Hijama.
26. Alkaline Phosphate: Decreased to normal in 62.82% of cases.
27. Amylase Levels: Decreased in 54.9% of cases.
28. Albumin Levels: Decreased to normal in all cases.
29. Cholesterol Levels: Decreased in 83.6% of cases.
30. Triglyceride Levels: Decreased in 75% of cases.
31. Ion Levels: Levels of Ca, Na, and K normalized in 90% of cases.
32. CPK Levels: Decreased to normal in 66.66% of cases.
33. RBC Analysis: All RBCs in the extracted blood were abnormal, such as hypochromic, burr, target, crenated, spherocytes, poikilocytes, anisocytes, schistocytes, and acanthocytes.
34. Leukocyte Count in Extracted Blood: Less than 10% of the leukocyte count in venous blood, indicating preservation of immunity.
35. Iron Concentration: Increased in 66% of cases.
36. CPK and LDH Levels: Normal in 93% of cases.
37. TIBC Levels: Significantly high in the extracted blood, indicating that iron remains in the blood vessels to be used for producing new RBCs.
The study demonstrates the scientific benefits of Hijama, supporting the recommendation of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who emphasized its importance and benefits for health.
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